Global and regional resources
As part of POWER, UN Women developed key resources and tools to promote sexual, reproductive, maternal, child, newborn and adolescent health (SRMNCAH) in humanitarian settings in the Horn of Africa.
Policy Brief on the Regional Reference Report on Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health in the Horn of Africa
UN Women
This policy brief aimed to facilitate cross-country learning and inform policy, advocacy, and programme development on SRMNCAH in the Horn of Africa in humanitarian settings.
Research Paper: Community Solutions for Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health in Humanitarian Settings in the Horn of Africa
UN Women
This paper provides documentation of promising practices of community solutions to address SRMNCAH challenges in the Horn of Africa region through demand creation and service delivery interventions.
Report of Proceedings: Regional Policy Dialogue on Adopting the Social Institutions and Gender Index Data to Address Barriers To Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health in Humanitarian Settings
UN Women
This report provides an overview of the Regional Policy Dialogue sessions convened in 2021 which aimed to support relevant institutions and humanitarian actors in the Horn of Africa to establish rights-based national and local SRMNCAH Frameworks in humanitarian settings.
Tool for Gender-Responsive Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Programming in Humanitarian Settings
UN Women
This tool provides a guide to analyze the extent to which gender is integrated during different phases of SRMNCAH programming in humanitarian settings. It will detail how a specific SRMCNAH programme is well designed to integrate gender equality dimensions in humanitarian context and ensure effective and equitable delivery of SRMNCAH information and services during humanitarian crises. The tool complements the Programming guide on promoting gender equality in sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health with important additions for SRMNCAH programming in humanitarian settings.
Learning from Power: Programme on Women’s Empowerment in Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Rights in Humanitarian Settings in the Horn of Africa Region.
UN Women
UN Women and its partners have developed new approaches and refined strategies to identify impactful interventions and increase collaboration to tackle demand-side barriers to accessing SRMNCAH information and services and to promote gender equality in Humanitarian settings. These set of case studies highlighted in this report describe key approaches and distil lessons learned, so that the interventions can be further replicated and scaled up in similar contexts. These approaches include transformative leadership for women’s rights, group care models, engaging men as agents of change, supporting women’s rights organizations, meeting women’s livelihood and protection needs, prioritizing SRMNCAH services during the COVID-19 pandemic, integrating SRMNCAH priorities into national policies and plans, ending child marriage, and guiding improved data generation, financing and policy decisions. The case studies provide inspiration to organizations committed to ensuring that every woman, child and adolescent girl is empowered to assert her rights to access high-quality SRMNCAH services.
Video Message: Achievements and challenges of POWER
UN Women
This video showcases the benefits of the POWER approach to removing barriers preventing women and girls from demanding their rights
Video on Community Dialogues, Ethiopia
UN Women
This video shows how UN Women and partners engaged community members, leaders, local health care workers, and media to ensure women, men and adolescent girls and boys have information about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as the benefits of gender-equitable norms, attitudes, and practices. This video highlights the benefits of such dialogues in Ethiopia.
Video on Transformational Leadership Training on SRMNCAH rights, Uganda
UN Women
Women were empowered to access health services and women leaders were mobilized to increase demand for and provide sexual and reproductive health care services in humanitarian settings. This video highlights the benefits of training and other community mobilization efforts in Uganda.
Video: Call to Action for Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health Rights in HoA
UN Women
Through UN Women's Programme on Women's Empowerment in the Horn of Africa (POWER), supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), gender equality advocates call for action to uphold SRMNCAH rights in humanitarian settings.
STORIES OF POWER - positive stories of impact in communities in Kenya and South Sudan.
UN Women
In these stories of POWER, Gender Responsive Budgeting training participants tell their stories on how the training helped them understand and engage in gender responsive budgeting in health programmes to utilize national budgets, prioritize actions and address specific needs of women, men, boys, and girls in humanitarian context.