
POWER in Ethiopia

As of April 2022, Ethiopia was the third-largest refugee-hosting country in Africa, hosting almost 850 000 refugees predominantly originating from South Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea.4 POWER was implemented in the Gambella region, which hosted over 40 percent of the country's refugee population. In Ethiopia, POWER contributed to development of national and local SRMNCAH frameworks for the humanitarian settings. POWER has also supported and scaled up groups of community champions for gender equality and ensured local and community ownership and leadership for results.

Working with community-based organizations, POWER supported activities to promote more equitable gender norms, improved access to SRMNCAH service and increased women’s access to finances, which were recognized as barriers to women's uptake of health services.

Power quote 2
Power in Ethiopia
Photo Credit: International Medical Corps (IMC)

To learn more about the programme's activities in Ethiopia, please visit the links for the stories of POWER and watch the videos below

Stories of POWER in Ethiopia:





[4] UNHCR 2022 https://data2.unhcr.org/en/country/eth accessed 13 April 2022.
Australian Development Agency