This report examines the use of sexual violence in the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and demonstrates how women and girls in the DRC have been exploited as producers and reproducers both in order to maintain fighters and ensure their day-to-day survival as well as to provide them with sexual services. The authors conclude that rape in conflict in the DRC was a coordinated tool used to degrade enemies and rip apart societies…
As with other chronic illnesses, the ideal AIDS care model is a holistic combination of public health, home and community care. The WHO believes that HIV/AIDS should be managed at home because home care is more comprehensive, more compassionate, less expensive and allows the patient to maintain a certain level of dignity and normality. However, caring for a family member with advanced HIV infection or AIDS is a physically challenging and…
This report of the WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women analyses data collected from over 24,000 women in 10 countries representing diverse cultural, geographical and urban/rural settings: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Japan, Peru, Namibia, Samoa, Serbia and Montenegro, Thailand, and the United Republic of Tanzania. The Study was designed to: estimate the prevalence of physical, sexual and emotional…
Funding for abstinence and faithfulness programs under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) increasingly replaced comprehensive HIV prevention in fiscal years 2004 and 2005, and the U.S. is sending fewer condoms abroad today than in 1990, according to two new analyses by the CHANGE. The analyses show that shifts in prevention policy acutely affect sub-Saharan Africa, where 80 percent of new infections are the result of…
This Program of Action describes the steps the World Bank will take over the coming three years to strengthen the Bank's response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic at country, regional, and global levels, through lending, grants, analysis, technical support and policy dialogue. The scope of this Program of Action is Bank-wide and global, drawing on and complementing the Bank's regional HIV/AIDS strategies. This Program of Action is aligned with the…
This document focuses on gender equality and reproductive health in the process of realizing the Millennium Development Goals. Chapters include: Strategic Investments, The Equality Dividend; The Promise of Human Rights; Reproductive Health: A Measure of Equity, including information on the feminization of HIV/AIDS; The Unmapped Journey: Adolescents, Poverty and Gender, including information on young people and HIV/AIDS; Partnering with Boys and…
This document describes Pathfinder’s innovative PMTCT model and their evolving collaboration with public, private, and faith-based partners in Kenya. Key activities, achievements, and challenges at the facility and community levels are shared and lessons are distilled, based on Pathfinder’s last three years of experience. Suggestions on the way forward are offered to prevent HIV transmission and ensure healthy lives for all Kenyan women, babies…
This issue brief discusses violence against women as the cause and consequence of HIV. Several studies are cited that demonstrate the way in which HIV infected women are more likely to have experienced violence. This violence in turn compromises women’s access to a range of critical health information and services, including testing and treatment. Actions to be taken by national governments and international partners are suggested.
The Global Campaign for Microbicides' has created the film, In Women’s Hands, to articulate the importance of public and private sector leadership as well as citizen involvement in promoting microbicides. Community members are encouraged to hold their own screening.
This document compiles key online resources that describe the current understanding of, and responses to, the effects of gender on HIV/AIDS at the international level. Resources were selected to provide a balanced approach that addresses both men's and women's concerns, vulnerabilities, challenges, and responses to gender and HIV/AIDS issues. A special focus on gender-based violence is included because of the tremendous impact of sexual violence…
There is a growing acknowledgment of the importance of the continuum of care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS outside of health facilities. Greater reliance on women in the communities to provide care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS as well as non-complex maintenance and adherence support for treatment of those who are under antiretroviral treatment is seen as a way to alleviate the burden placed on traditional…
This is number 15 in the series, YouthLens: on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. This issue looks at the health risks associated to early marriage for female youth; including a distinct and substantial risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS. This Issue also discusses ways in which to reduce early marriage, such as programs that help foster policies and norms that support later marriage and offer services, resources, and options to families to delay marriage…
In 2004, the Horizons Program undertook a study of six different home-based care programs to provide key information to NGOs, government ministries, donors, and the programs themselves to inform decisions about service delivery. The study analyzed the cost of Home-Based Care services, the best use of resources, and how well programs are able to meet the needs of beneficiaries and their families.
The annual AIDS epidemic update reports on the latest developments in the global AIDS epidemic. With maps and regional summaries, the 2005 edition provides the most recent estimates of the epidemic's scope and human toll, explores new trends in the epidemic's evolution, and features a special section on HIV prevention.
This HIV counseling and testing manual is designed for service providers and counselors working with youth. Approximately one-third of clients who seek HIV testing are youth, and these young people often have different needs than do adults. This 92-page manual provides: step-by-step information for using a counseling and testing model for youth in general or specialized clinical settings; step-by-step information for using the traditional…
This report presents the findings of research carried out in northern Thailand. It highlights the issues faced by older people affected by HIV/AIDS (including the burden of caregiving), the contributions they are making to their households, and the lack of services and support available to them. The report is intended for policy makers in government, donor organisations, civil society and age care organisations to help them better understand the…
Every morning, in the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP), a group of men and women are making change and making history. They are setting out to do something that most people do not normally do - talking about sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS. V Samson and S K Sultana Begum are among some 48 peer counsellors who head towards schools, railway colonies, health units, railways hospitals, training centers, junior colleges, running rooms and mahila samitis (…
This issue of Network describes the variety of means by which children, adolescents, and adults - men and women alike - are pressured to have sexual relations that they do not want. Non-consensual sex may be a major contributing factor to such reproductive health problems as unintended pregnancy and its complications, as well as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Transmission of these infections will persist - despite…
Text of a speech by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, delivered at the University of Pennsylvania’s Summit on Global Issues in Women’s Health in April 2005.
This report serves as a call for action to address gender inequality, poverty, and HIV/AIDS among women. It highlights the efforts of UNAIDS to create programs that mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS for women and girls worldwide. This report contains detailed responses on how to confront HIV in respect to prevention, treatment, education, women’s rights, and more.