This report reflects the voices and opinions of 140 participants, including resource persons and sex workers, at the first Asia and the Pacific Regional Consultation on HIV and Sex Work, held on October 2010 in Pattaya, Thailand. It covers critical components of the HIV and sex work responses, and four key areas – namely, creating an enabling legal and policy environment, ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights, eliminating violence…
This publication provides a framework for understanding how to implement a human rights based approach to prevent and manage HIV and sexual gender-based violence (SGBV). The publication discusses the double-burden of SGBV and HIV, provides examples of comprehensive programmes on SGBV and HIV prevention, the challenges of using an integrated approach, and what the next steps are for SGBV and HIV prevention and management.
This report examines a number of success stories in the fight against HIV. Examples come from countries such as Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Nigeria and the Caribbean region. The report stresses the importance of comprehensive male and female condom programming. This could be achieved through developing strategies and programmes through which every sexually active person at risk of HIV or other sexually transmitted infections has the information, access…
This publication is an unedited version of the resolution on HIV/AIDS adopted by the Commission on the Status of Women during the 55th session. This resolution reaffirms CSW commitments, raises concerns and identifies new goals regarding HIV/AIDS among women and girls.
The outcome of the Commission’s consideration of the priority theme takes the form of agreed conclusions, negotiated by all States. These identify gaps and challenges in the implementation of previous commitments. They also provide action-oriented recommendations for all States, relevant non-governmental bodies, mechanisms and entities of the UN System and other relevant stakeholders, in order to accelerate implementation. The Commission on the…
In Women’s Words is a publication that summarizes the outcomes of a global virtual consultation for women and girls in preparation for the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS in 2011. The consultation engaged approximately 800 women and girls in over 95 countries and allowed them to share their priorities and visions for the future AIDS response. The consultation was defined by 5 principles: 1) Inclusion of women and girls in decision…
This report recognizes progress worldwide, and calls on governments to take action to end the injustices that keep women poorer and less powerful than men. The report details how injustice, gender inequality, poverty, and violence against women fuel the HIV/AIDS epidemic among women.
Female Condoms and U.S. Foreign Assistance: An Unfinished Imperative for Women's Health, summarizes U.S. support for female condoms, identifies barriers, and offers concrete recommendations for improving U.S. efforts to increase access and availability of female condoms.
UNICEF's Thomas Nybo reports on crucial services being provided to pregnant woman living with HIV.
This publication provides evidence on the gender dimensions of HIV-related stigma and how this stigma affects women differently than man in Ethiopia, Dominican Republic and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, over half of women have experienced stigma from a friend or neighbour: 87 per cent have decided not to get married as a result of their HIV status; and nearly a fifth feel suicidal. In Ethiopia only 45 per cent of women have disclosed their status…
This tool, developed in collaboration between WHO, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is designed to support countries to strengthen national health strategies. The tool poses critical questions to identify gaps and opportunities in the review or reform of health sector strategies. Analysis tables include critical questions rooted in international…
This video documents the fourth thematic panel during the High Level Meeting on AIDS, "Women, girls and HIV". This panel focused on the disproportionate burden of HIV on women and girls and the need to ensure that their specific needs and vulnerabilities are adequately addressed. It highlighted the progress, challenges and opportunities in addressing the social determinants of women's and girl's vulnerability to HIV infection, as…
Social constructions of masculinity have been shown to serve as an obstacle to men's access and adherence to antiretroviral therapies (ART). In the light of women's relative lack of power in many aspects of interpersonal relationships with men in many African settings, our objective is to explore how male denial of HIV/AIDS impacts on their female partners' ability to access and adhere to ART.
Her Royal Highness Mette-Marit The Crown Princess of Norway spoke at the International Peace Institute at an event during the 2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS entitled Prevention and Protection Save Lives: Girls, Women and HIV.
High-Level Policy Forum that attracted over 120 ambassadors, ministers, parliamentarians, advocates, youth and media. Focus was on girls, women, and HIV.
Gender and sexuality – and their related norms and practices – have long been recognised as key factors affecting the dynamics of HIV and the global response to it. This survey report, published by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, maps current work and assesses the capacity, challenges and aspirations around gender and sexuality programming. Whereas issues vary across communities and countries, the authors contend that power imbalances,…
Frika Chia Iskandar, a young, HIV-positive woman and activist, spoke as a panelist at In Women's Words, a side-event at the 2011 High-Level Meeting on AIDS. Read her inspiring speech, her own story and her call to action during this powerful event.
The subject of violence against women living with HIV has been gaining currency within the international agenda on HIV, gender and development; however, to date it has received only limited attention in research, the policymaking process and specific interventions. In November 2010, Development Connections, the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW Global) and UN Women convened the Virtual Forum on…
This newly released report, published by UNICEF with UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, ILO, WHO and the World Bank, describes the state of the epidemic in young people, the evidence for effective responses that address behavioural, social and structural challenges and prevent new HIV infections in young people. Country-specific data is shared.
This publication is intended to spark greater attention and inclusion of women, particularly those most affected by HIV and AIDS, as agents of change and experts through their experience. Through an analysis of information provided through interviews with over 100 key informants as well as global surveys and several case studies, it attempts to identifying where and in what ways women, particularly those most affected by the epidemic, are…