#WhatWomenWant: A Toolkit for Putting Accountability into Action

Publish Year
ATHENA Network
Author Name
Jacqui Stevenson, Kristen de Graaf, Ebony Johnson, Tyler Crone
This toolkit provides a framework for accountability in action, to put women and girls in all of their diversity at the center and to bring a feminist, gender transformative lens across policy development, program implementation, research, strategies, and initiatives. Throughout, it offers examples of effective ways to inform, engage, and foster leadership among women, including young women and adolescent girls, and provide ideas for everyone to take part in meaningful accountability including women themselves, Governments, donors, and policy makers. The toolkit is a living document that will be expanded and updated as we continue to learn, grow together and advance a shared vision. This toolkit is designed for those who want to hold decision-makers to account and for those who want to be accountable to the women they serve.The toolkit can be essential for organizations, groups, and advocacy bodies from the grassroots to global who want to spearhead participatory action research, policy change, service expansion, community engagement and/or increase community literacy on health, rights, and policies.