HIV/AIDS as a Human Security Issue: A Gender Perspective

Publish Year
UN Division for the Advancement of Women, WHO, and UNAIDS for Expert Group Meeting on "The HIV/AIDS Pandemic and its Gender Implications" 13-17 November 2000 Windhoek, Namibia
Author Name
U. Kristoffersson
The scale of the HIV/AIDS epidemic led the United Nations Security Council to make a historical move in 2002 by adopting a resolution, which not only addresses a health issue for the first time, but specifically links the spread of HIV/AIDS to the maintenance of global peace and security. This document addresses (1) the ways in which HIV/AIDS threatens human security, (2) the negative synergy between HIV/AIDS and poverty, HIV/AIDS and conflict and HIV/AIDS and gender relations, and (3) the critical interaction between soldiers, youths and women. The second part of the document is devoted to recommendations and guiding principles that should direct efforts to combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic worldwide.