WHRIN is a global platform to expand harm reduction approaches for women. The vision of WHRIN is that all self-identified women who use drugs have unfettered access to available, quality, relevant health, social and legal services in a context of upholding human rights without stigma, discrimination or criminalization.
Visit the site: https://whrin.site/
Coordinated by the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), the Gender & Health Hub bridges gaps between knowledge, policy and action to consolidate policy-relevant evidence on gender integration in health policies and programmes, generated through global, regional, and country level research and practice.
Avert provides a global overview of how and why women are more vulnerable to HIV, as well as prevention and treatment services available for women.
The HIV/AIDS Network is a platform where media, knowledge, news related to the HIV epidemic is shared. It also provides a platform to connect members or organizations subscribed to the network.
ICRW recognizes how gender equality fuels the transmission of HIV among women and contributes evidence to remove human rights barriers to prevention, care and treatment services and improve access, acceptability and quality of services.
BRIDGE is a gender and development research and information service based at the Institute of Development Studies, UK. It works to advance gender equality, women's rights, empowerment in development and advocate the importance of a gender perspective to reduce poverty and promote social justice.
The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) is a worldwide alliance of civil society groups, networks or women living with HIV, women's organizations, AIDS service organizations, and the United Nations system, committed to strengthening AIDS programming for women and girls.
The ATHENA Network works to advance human rights and gender equity in the global response to HIV/AIDS. This list-serve enables group members to share information and resources with one another.
The SWAA is a Pan African Non Governmental Organization that works to empower women to address the causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS on Women in Africa.
AllAfrica Global Media is a multi-media content service provider, systems technology developer and the largest electronic distributor of African news and information worldwide.
EngenderHealth is a leading international reproductive health organization working to improve the quality of health care in the world's poorest communities.
FHI is a global health and development organization whose science-based programs bring lasting change to the world's most vulnerable people.
As part of its gender and health information strategy, the Pan-American Health Organization's Gender and Health Unit has developed a Virtual Library on gender and health issues.
GCM is a diverse network of advocates and NGO's working to expand HIV prevention options and encourage ethical research that involves civil society.
The ILO is the lead UN agency for HIV/AIDS policies and programmes in the world of work and private sector mobilization. The ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work (ILO/AIDS) plays a key role in the HIV/AIDS global response through workplaces.
The site also contains a search function for resources on gender and HIV/AIDS.
This page offers a comprehensive database of gender trainings materials offered by international, governmental and non-governmental organizations on issues pertaining to gender equality including materials on gender and health and HIV/AIDS.
ICW is honoured and proud to be the only international network which strives to share with the global community the experiences, views and contributions of 19 million incredible women worldwide, who are also HIV positive.
The Inter Press Service (IPS) News Agency provides information on new research and news related to gender and health. This site contains many new features about the gender dimensions of HIV.
Journ-AIDS provides support to media professionals to ensure in-depth, accurate and critical reporting on HIV/AIDS.