The XVI International AIDS Conference, August 2006, identified food and nutrition security as issues that are critically interlinked with HIV/AIDS and that need to be addressed along a continuum of prevention, treatment, care, and positive living. Four sessions focused specifically on the particular relationships between food security and HIV/AIDS; one was on HIV, Gender, and Development. This report synthesizes the key issues raised and…
This is a review of publications addressing aspects of the intersection between gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV. The literature review is organised into eight sub-sections: 1. Exploring the Linkages: General and Theoretical Examinations of the Intersection of GBV and HIV; 2. Interrogating and interpreting the associated risks of HIV/AIDS and GBV; 3. The role of men; 4. GBV and HIV testing and disclosure; 5. GBV as a risk factor for HIV; 6.…
This 4-page fact sheet summarizes the role of gender in vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, discusses women’s and men’s vulnerabilities, highlights how to enlist men in HIV/AIDS prevention, and suggests a gender-based response to the epidemic.
Breastfeeding, which helps build a baby's immune system, may be the best option for HIV-infected mothers in developing countries, despite the risk of transmitting the virus that causes AIDS to their babies, according to new studies presented at the 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. HIV-positive mothers generally are counseled to feed their babies formula to limit the risk of transmission of the human…
This paper prepared for the September 2006 Expert Group Meeting on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination and Violence Against the Girl Child outlines the abuses against girl's human rights in situations of armed conflict and suggests ways to prevent and address them. The analysis section includes a section on girls and the spread of HIV/AIDS and notes best practices by UNICEF in Afghanistan and Eritrea.
This paper reviews the demands placed on men by definitions of masculinities, definitions that often increase their risk of HIV infection, and reviews successful strategies for change. Case studies on male involvement in sexual and reproductive health and rights review successful HIV/AIDS initiatives, and lessons identified can be applied to HIV/AIDS projects.
Meeting the needs of children affected by AIDS Millions of children across the world have already lost their mothers to AIDS. Millions more are caring for their sick mothers, knowing they will die soon. With proper support within their communities, mothers can be cared for in their homes, and continue to care for their children. Until now, support for children affected by AIDS has focused on orphans. In Missing Mothers: Meeting the needs of…
A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) shows that the number of people on HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) in low- and middle-income countries more than tripled to 1.3 million in December 2005 from 400 000 in December 2003. Charting the final progress of the "3 by 5" strategy to expand access to HIV therapy in the developing world, the report also says that the lessons…
A new paper published by the UNAIDS-led Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) shows that when women have an income and a safe place to live, they are much better able to negotiate abstinence, fidelity, and safer sex. Economic security, the paper stresses, is a major factor in enabling women to protect themselves from HIV. Highlighting the link between poverty and HIV risk for women and girls, the paper outlines examples of promising…
The Society for Adolescent Medicine notes progress in the scientific understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of HIV. Likewise advances have been made in the prevention of perinatal transmission of HIV. However, SAM notes that great challenges still exist for those working to prevent HIV/AIDS in adolescents and young adults and to provide treatment, care and support for those who already are infected. This document updates the position of…
The purpose of this guide is to highlight the key linkages between gender, human rights, and HIV/AIDS. It identifies four critical operational areas and how to reduce women and girls’ vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS from each area. A checklist for each section is provided for programmers to assess if gender equality is embedded in each operational area.
Small fishing and farming villages dot the rural landscape along the Indian Ocean on Tanzania's northern coast. Local men have fished for subsistence in this area for generations, while women have traditionally managed households and acted as primary caregivers.
This report describes the partnership between UNIFEM South Asia, the Positive Women Network and Centre for Advocacy and Research in enabling the building of a rights-based gender sensitive response to HIV/AIDS.
The study is a joint initiative of the Institute of Public Administration and UNIFEM South Asia Regional Office with an objective to understand the impact of HIV/AIDS entering the home and on the lives and livelihoods of women care givers in situations of poverty. Focusing on the existing coping mechanisms, the study is also attentive to short and long term policy initiatives needed to reduce the burden of care.
The publication traces this journey, capturing the processes that led to the formation of the Positive Women Network and its growth.
With funding from CIDA, ICAD has developed a toolkit on addressing HIV/AIDS and gender equality in food security and rural livelihoods programming. The toolkit can be used by program managers and their partners when working in situations where HIV and AIDS prevalence is high. While it is primarily geared towards the CIDA program cycle, the toolkit is also useful to a wider audience including NGOs, particularly those working closely with CIDA.…
This paper examines poverty and social structures that may keep many women in Africa from being able to protect themselves from HIV.
This paper applies a gender perspective to young men in Africa, drawing particularly on interviews and focus groups in Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, and Uganda. It considers the many definitions of masculinities and their implications for sexual behavior (especially HIV/AIDS) and violence. Several protective factors for gender equality, health-seeking and protecting behavior, and non-violence are identified. Promising approaches are detailed…
Women are especially vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in hard-hit Southern Africa with increasing numbers being infected compared to men. This toolkit is written for women and girls living with HIV/AIDS and addresses their special treatment needs, including adherence, women-specific opportunistic infections, effects of treatment their biological (physical and emotional) lifecycle, post-exposure prophylaxis, and PMTCT Plus programmes. It contains 12…
Understanding the needs and desires of HIV positive men and fathers is essential for assisting them in shaping their own lives and those of their families. This publication shares the stories of thirteen HIV positive fathers from around the world, role models in parenting in the context of HIV/AIDS. They discuss the challenges of choosing to become a father, disclosing their positive status to their children, and their love and concern to…