This article explores the gender dimensions of the AIDS pandemic, focusing on its impact on the girl child. It draws on the rights-based approach and argues that the protection and recognition of the rights of the girl child are essential in the face of the AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa. The article gives insights into some innovative programmes that have been developed in Zimbabwe and recommendations for improving the conditions of, and…
This briefing paper is about powerful institutions' neglect of duty by not providing leadership on female condoms, and failing to meet women's needs and demands for them with a consistent and proportionate effort to make them accessible and affordable. It concerns the ignorance, denial, and bias of the powerful, at the expense of the rights of women.
The purpose of the matrix is to provide youth-serving organizations with a guide of topics on family planning, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender; segmenting them by age and marital status. The matrix can assist technical experts, program managers, health providers, peer educators and others to determine what topics and interventions best fit into their own respective programs while taking cultural paradigms into…
The 8-page briefing paper aims to introduce readers to the key issues regarding gender inequalities and the different impacts of HIV and AIDS on women, men, girls and boys.
This article examines the association between the number of sexual partners and the risk of HIV seropositivity among men and women presenting for HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) in northern Tanzania. Among women presenting for VCT, the number of partners is strongly associated with rates of seropositivity; however, even women reporting lifetime monogamy have a high risk for HIV infection. Partner reduction should be coupled with…
This paper considers the risks to young women of cross-generational sex, given that young women (15-24 years old) in sub-Saharan Africa are three times more likely to be infected with HIV than young men of the same age.
Central Asia has one of the most rapidly increasing HIV prevalence in the world. This research article describes the results of a study to assess current knowledge, risk behaviour and attitudes to voluntary counselling and testing concerning HIV/AIDS among pregnant women in Semey, Kazakhstan. The study concluded that pregnant women in Semey have poor knowledge about specific mother-to-child HIV transmission and do not know about the means…
By analyzing the economic, socio-cultural, and political factors that influence the HIV vulnerability of migrant workers - especially female migrant workers - the study aims to aid the design of appropriate rights-based HIV prevention programmes. It also is intended to identify emerging challenges and trends in the response to HIV and migration issues in host countries, particularly in the area of human rights and public health.
This toolkit is a demonstration of the importance National AIDS Control Council (NACC) places on taking on board gender issues in HIV and AIDS in prevention, care, mitigation of social impacts on families, human rights and economic impact of the scourge on the country's economy. The toolkit offers an opportunity to policy and senior level decision makers to be exposed to gender issues in HIV and AIDS, thus enabling them to address the same in…
This briefing paper takes an in-depth look at the standards developed by six UN "treaty monitoring bodies," or committees, in the area of HIV/AIDS and other STIs. Following a brief overview of the origin and work of the committees, this paper reviews standards each body has adopted as it has monitored governments' compliance with their duties under international human rights law, including references to gender. In repeated statements, these…
Small fishing and farming villages dot the rural landscape along the Indian Ocean on Tanzania's northern coast. Local men have fished for subsistence in this area for generations, while women have traditionally managed households and acted as primary caregivers.
Women account for nearly half of HIV infections worldwide and almost two-thirds of those among young people, with female infections rising in almost every region. Yet 25 years into the global AIDS epidemic, there is still no widely-available technology that women can control to protect themselves from HIV. This is a brief that addresses women's lack of resources to protect themselves from infection and highlights the need for strategies and…
This manual will assist AIDS Service Organizations and other groups and institutions responding to AIDS in Southern Africa to make their programmes more responsive to gender issues. The integration of gender concerns in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programmes strengthens the effectiveness of the response to AIDS. The manual provides the conceptual basis and offers practical hints to facilitate effective integration of…
This speech by Ines Alberdi, Executive Director of UNIFEM, was made at the High-Level Meeting on AIDS, UN General Assembly, Panel Discussion 3. Speaking on behalf of the UN, Executive Director Ines Alberdi said that “it is vitally important to address the links between HIV and AIDS and violence against women and girls ... both a cause and a consequence of HIV among women of all ages, but especially young women and girls.”
This literature and program review focused on the current and future role of microfinance and sustainable livelihood strategies in reducing adolescent girls' vulnerability to HIV infection in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Part 1 of the review focuses on youth-centered programs to prevent HIV infection among vulnerable female adolescents--including microfinance and sustainable livelihood programs. Part 2 analyzes…
The toolkit is a collection of participatory educational exercises for educating health care providers on the issues of stigma and gender-based violence. It was developed for and with health care providers in Andhra Pradesh, India. The modules use a learner-centred, participatory approach to training -- one built around discussion and small-group activities. The goal is to facilitate open discussion on HIV stigma and gender violence, and on what…
Even in the 'era of treatment' successful HIV prevention remains an enormous challenge. This article argues that there is a need to pay more attention to sex and desire in the design of HIV prevention programmes. The paper highlights how perceived "dirty" issues, such as sex between men and anal intercourse between men and women, are often overlooked by HIV prevention programmes. It also explores how reasons why people may "choose" not to place…
This research article describes the results of a community-based cross-sectional study conducted among brothel-based sex workers of West Bengal, eastern India, to understand sex-trafficking, violence, negotiating skills, and HIV infection in them. The study highlights that the trafficked victims faced violence, including sexual violence, to a greater magnitude, and that sexual violence was associated with acquiring HIV.
This research article describes an evaluation of adolescent school girls' knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards STIs/HIV and safer sex practice and sex education and explores their current sexual behaviour in India.
This article considers the impact of AIDS on women's roles and responsibilities within the household 'care economy.' It emphasizes that all interventions aimed at reversing the epidemic need to take into account the excessive work-load that members of the household, usually women, shoulder in responding to the needs of sick family members. Most notably, gender equality and care economy issues need to be identified by development programmes…