Male Circumcision and HIV/AIDS: Opportunities and Challenges

Publish Year
AIDS Policy Development Center, University of California, Los Angeles
Author Name
Sawires S.R., Dworkin S.L., Fiamma A., Peacock D., Szekeres G., and Coates T.J.
This report summarizes information on male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy and the policy and prevention implications of its implementation. It examines: adult male circumcision and its health benefits; implications for women's health; biological mechanisms responsible for reduced susceptibility to HIV infection and other medical benefits among circumcised males; medical professional group policy statements pertaining to male circumcision; challenges related to male circumcision; ethical concerns; and potential next steps. While the results of clinical trials demonstrating the protective effect of male circumcision on HIV infection are extremely promising and can have enormous impact on the HIV epidemic, there are numerous implementation challenges, contextual considerations, and ethical concerns that require rigorous attention with respect to its impact on women.