New infections in Cebu City have skyrocketed, even as they’re declining worldwide.   The city is struggling to control the drug use that’s spreading the virus and are seeing an increase in HIV amongst pregnant women who do not have an HIV risk profile. Read full article here.

Through Zambia’s recently revised National Youth Policy, Government seeks to address both those at risk and those living with HIN by identifying measures that can help youth prevent and live positively with the virus. The Policy also addresses issues related to stigma and discrimination. Among the objectives of the policy is to promote the provision of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual reproductive health services that meet the…

Sungano Bondayi explores the experience of a woman living with HIV in a context where HIV services are non-existent in her local surroundings what implications does this have for her hopes for herself and for having her own family? Read full article here.

The Philippines’ legislator decision to cut the $21 million contraceptive budget surprised and infuriated legislators and advocacy groups who had struggled more than a decade to pass the Reproductive Health Law that guaranteed funds to provide contraceptives to the poor. Read full article here.

The Ministry of Health in Uganda has launched an SMS-based monitoring platform to track the progress of the elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (eMTCT) efforts across the health system and use real numbers, rather than estimates, to represent real people. Read full article here.

The summit brought together Heads of state and governments, ministers in charge of gender and traditional affairs, as well as children, first ladies, United Nations (UN) agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, young people, and religious and traditional leaders to take stock of the progress made in ending child marriage across Africa, to identify challenges and share experiences. The summit highlighted the fact that…

In this Huffington Post entry in the The Blog, Clara Banya recounts her experiences of being a woman living with HIV in Malawi. Clara explains her experience of disclosing her status to her husband and her observations of how the implementation of child HIV protocols in Malawi drastically changed her daughters life. Ms. Banya is a Member of the Global Fund Advocates Network Speakers Bureau and works with other advocates at the International…

This article explores the two-way causal relationship between Violence Against Women and HIV. By recounting the experiences of two married Ugandan women living in discordant relationships, the author describes the rejection and violence women risk and face at the hands of their partners when living in a discordant relationship. The link between HIV and Violence against women is explained and the need for male-focused education and…

In this New York Times Op Ed, Laurie Shrage explores how the racial profiling in America may be fueling an urgent public health crisis. In the United States, the rate of HIV infection amongst African American women, is 20 times higher than that of white women. The disproportionately high rates of HIV amongst African American women in America has been recognized at a high level, including by Hillary Clinton as early as 2007, however the rapid…

Patriarchal order has left many Zimbabwean women more vulnerable to HIV infection as they remain subservient to men with no negotiating power in sex matters.

Read more here.

Pregnancy could be a turning point for HIV- infected women, when they have the opportunity to manage their infection, prevent transmission to their new baby and enter a long-term pattern of maintenance after giving birth- but most HIV-infected women aren’t getting that chance. 

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Grassroots Soccer is expanding. The organization, which uses football to reach at-risk youth to try to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, has just launched a new programme aimed at empowering young girls, smashing harmful gender stereotypes and teaching them about good health habits. 

Read more here.  

THE ARTAID15 exhibition, a collaboration between the Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) and Segaris Art Centre, hopes to highlight and relieve the plight of underprivileged women living with HIV in Malaysia. Read more here.

The health agenda in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) since the adoption of the Protocol on Gender and Development in 2008 has been largely overshadowed by HIV and AIDS.

Read more here.

Kenya will be getting new support to prevent and treatHIV/AIDS among young women. United StatesPresident Barack Obama announced last week that Kenya would be included in the DREAMS project.

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Chilo Ketlhoafetse struts around an eighth-grade classroom like the coolest guy in Botswana, warming the students up to talk about an awkward subject. 

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The most effective birth control methods for women with HIV are implants and injectable hormonal contraceptives, reports. 

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HIV rates are driven by widespread global inequalities. What will it take to put the human rights of indigenous women living with HIV on the global map?

Read more here.

A new study shows Canadians being treated for HIV can expect to live longer. But some groups are lagging behind.

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Regular anti-retroviral treatment coupled with improved diagnosis is helping to reduce the number of babies being born with HIV in Ethiopia.

Read more here.