To Defeat HIV -- We Must Do More for Women and Girls

In this Huffington Post entry in the The Blog, Clara Banya recounts her experiences of being a woman living with HIV in Malawi. Clara explains her experience of disclosing her status to her husband and her observations of how the implementation of child HIV protocols in Malawi drastically changed her daughters life. Ms. Banya is a Member of the Global Fund Advocates Network Speakers Bureau and works with other advocates at the International Community of Women with HIV to empower women to make informed decisions around condom use, report abuse, to seek medical attention and to teach them the importance of being economically empowered. Weak Health systems and stigma and discrimination are a stumbling block for women living with HIV in Malawi, and this is why Clara explains that the Global Fund is so important to Malawi to help address these gaps and allow as many people as possible to access treatment. 

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