Women in developing countries will take HIV-prevention drugs — as long as they know they're receiving them, and not a placebo, a new study suggests. Read more here.  

Every week, 570 young women aged 15 to 24 get infected with HIV in Uganda, according to a 2011 survey by the country's Ministry of Health. Here, Maureen Amenya tells the story of one of these young people. 

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Kenya will be getting new support to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS among adolescent girls. President Obama announced Sunday that Kenya would be included in the DREAMS project.

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A new study has found that giving cash transfers to high school girls to attend school in rural Mpumalanga did not reduce their risk of contracting HIV’ according to investigators from the HIV Prevention Trials Network.

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Taking an antiretroviral drug daily shielded 76% of young African women assigned the drug [a particularly hard group to protect] against H.I.V infection, researchers said Wednesday as they reported the results of a three-nation clinical trial. 

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Beyond bio-medical models, recent research has enabled a better psycho-social understanding of how women can access HIV treatment, if they want to, in stressful daily conditions. 

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An 18-year-old French woman is in remission from HIV - despite not having taken any drugs against the virus for 12 years. Doctors have presented the details of her case at an International Aids Society (IAS) conference in Vancouver.

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The AIDS targets of MDG 6—halting and reversing the spread of HIV—have been achieved and exceeded, according to a new report released today by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). 

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Remember the old saying, "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail"? Well, women advocates living with HIV are trying to help the US out of exactly this predicament. 

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With over 1,000 new infections each day, young women and adolescent girls are the biggest risk group for HIV infection in the world.  

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South Africa has undertaken the largest ever national stigma survey involving 10,500 people living with HIV. The Stigma Index Survey revealed that although South Africa has much lower levels of HIV stigma than other African countries, women continue to be disproportionately affected, particularly in relation to sexual and reproductive health. 

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Considerable advances have been made in the global response to the AIDS epidemic over the last decades. Despite this progress, however, young women and adolescent…

In this blog post, Violet Shivutse, a 47-year-old farmer and founder of Kenya's branch of the Home-Based Care Alliance, describes how she applied the lessons of farming to grow an entire network of effective, organized caregivers. Read the full article here…

Perceiving men and women as equals may encourage the practice of safer sex among young women with HIV, a new study finds. Read the full article here.  

Male HIV patients in rural South Africa reach the low immunity levels required to become eligible for antiretroviral treatment in less than half the time it takes for immunity levels to drop to similar levels in women, according to new research from the University of Southampton.  Read full article here

Islamabad: A network for women with HIV has been established with an aim to register women from across the country so their rights may be ensured. Positive Female Network (POFEN) has been established by the Association of People Living with HIV (APLHIV) Pakistan, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of National Health Services (NHS) on Monday.  Read full article here.

Efforts in combating HIV/AIDS in Malaysia have shown promising success whereby the rate of HIV transmission in the general population is at 0.05%, with the number of AIDS-related deaths steadily on the decline. Read full article here.

In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the antiretroviral medication Truvada as the first form of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a pill to protect against getting HIV. To date, the United States is the only country to give regulatory approval to PrEP for HIV prevention. Read full article here.

Women’s Day is globally acknowledged and celebrated as a day where women reflect on progress made in all spheres of their lives. On this Day, they call for change, celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women. Women’s Day creates space to honour women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their communities and countries. It is also a day meant to raise awareness about how women and girls can protect…

Message from UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé on International Women’s Day - As we celebrate International Women’s Day, world leaders and civil society are gathering in New York to take part in the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. There, they will review the progress made since the adoption 20 years ago of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which set ambitious targets designed to improve the lives…