WHRIN is a global platform to expand harm reduction approaches for women. The vision of WHRIN is that all self-identified women who use drugs have unfettered access to available, quality, relevant health, social and legal services in a context of upholding human rights without stigma, discrimination or criminalization.
Visit the site: https://whrin.site/
Avert provides a global overview of how and why women are more vulnerable to HIV, as well as prevention and treatment services available for women.
ICRW recognizes how gender equality fuels the transmission of HIV among women and contributes evidence to remove human rights barriers to prevention, care and treatment services and improve access, acceptability and quality of services.
The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) is a worldwide alliance of civil society groups, networks or women living with HIV, women's organizations, AIDS service organizations, and the United Nations system, committed to strengthening AIDS programming for women and girls.
The SWAA is a Pan African Non Governmental Organization that works to empower women to address the causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS on Women in Africa.
ICW is honoured and proud to be the only international network which strives to share with the global community the experiences, views and contributions of 19 million incredible women worldwide, who are also HIV positive.
The Female Health Company manufactures, markets, and sells the FC2 female condom, the only currently available product under a woman's control that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FC2 provides dual protection against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
A South African non-profit organisation working in the area of HIV/AIDS social research, project development and communications.
Living Hope Organization (Livhorg): Is a Non-Governmental, Non-Political, Non-Religious, Non-Profit making Organization (Support Group) of People Living with HIV/Aids, Abia State (AB/MH/AD/553/1/231) in affiliation to Network of people living with Hiv (Nepwhan - CAC No: 17533) Nigeria.
Features Positive Women! - a newsletter written by and for HIV-positive women. Web site also includes links to helpful web sites, announcements of events of interest to HIV+ Women.
A women's reproductive and sexual health and rights nonprofit with a focus on HIV/AIDS. SisterLove is on a mission to eradicate the impact of HIV/AIDS among women and their families through prevention, education. support and human rights advocacy in the United States and around the world.
IWHC works to generate health and population policies, programs, and funding that promote and protect the rights and health of girls and women worldwide, particularly in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and countries in postsocialist transition.
The web portal, www.thewellproject.org, provides the latest information on living with and managing HIV disease for HIV positive women, health care providers and advocates. The information on The Well Project website is multi-layered and designed to facilitate communication between patients, support service providers and clinicians by providing complex information in an accessible, conversational style. Interactive features include Discussion Groups, where HIV-positive women and those that care for them have the ability to communicate with one another online.
A global organisation of 25 million women and girls in 122 countries working to mobilise women's leadership locally and globally in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The YWCA has reproductive health and HIV programmes in over 60 countries.
The Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre and Network is a NGO working in the gender and development field. This site includes information on gender and HIV/AIDS.